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1、不锈钢架结构,箱体为保温、防水、防锈的复合彩钢板,内部框架为不锈钢。2、独立电盘(电脑)可实现:缺水报警、自动加水 箱体:温度显示、高温报警、箱体自动加温、恒温、箱体空气循环3、水箱:温度显示、高温报警、水箱自动加水、自动加温、恒温、自动淋水、淋水间隔时间显示、淋水延时显示、手动淋水。主要用途:广泛适用于食堂、超市、饭店、宾馆、及农贸市场、部队生活中心等豆芽机产品介绍豆芽爽脆可口、营养丰富,同时具有保健功效,因此成为我国人民所喜爱的美味菜肴。无论城乡、无论南北,豆芽的市场需求十分庞大。投资豆芽,本小利大,每公斤绿豆可产豆芽10-15公斤,每公斤黄豆可产豆芽6-10公斤,回报丰厚、利润可观。
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Bean spouts we ae fesh and well cooked, bean spouts with us fo many yeas, we have pat of the leaning and undestanding fo bean spouts, some fiends might be in bean spout gowth cycle and bean spout cultivation ae pat of the leaning and undestanding, fom the pespective of the analysis of bean spouts and have sustainable, but the tend of development fo a long time. Moe confimation that bean spouts have been integated into ou lives and become an indispensable pat of ou life.